E-mail hosting, Shared hosting, File hosting, Dedicated hosting, virtual servers
Posted by admin on November 01 2007 23:01:48

E-mail hosting, Shared hosting, File hosting, Dedicated hosting, virtual servers

It foreclose for an electronic post. By this type hosting the user can avoid using the complimentary webs-posts services of a internet. Address e-mail names @ domain. Tld can be with the name of hosting that the user has registered. More hosting providers give opportunity for access to the postal boxes in a interface and by the installed computer of the user, using the statements, of Pop 3 and IMAP. At The user mails hostingа There is opportunity for multitude of postal boxes with one and as well TLD design-a name of domain. Example on addresses in user's mail boxes :

1 @ my name my name. com 2 @. com

... My name @. com and At this type hosting, on difference from the services of the complimentary webs-mails, the user avoids attach the promotion epistles to his letters, which is the practice on close all complimentary webs-based mails.

Shared hosting

Share (share) A web hosting shares hosting is the most rife web hosting kind. Is being called shared (share) For they settle in to one server Different by type of webs-applications (most frequently a web) that share the resources of a one and a like physical server. It is made on each user Individual with a particular limit Parameters (The disk space, gained, the number of it.) For operation of account as well the web-the based control board is used. The operation of account is done only by the user. A most prevailing control board In Mean The world is cPanel as well more hosting providers, as well as the users prefer namely it.

File hosting

The human until the common web hosting is file hosting, as settling in to the server with it the webs-sites and the web used,, and the files are saved. The advantage that file hosting gives is the authentic guardianship of the information, as the opportunity is accessed of each one computer as well in the internet-space, with a speed, that is proper for quick transfer. Backupping big arrays of data that will be accessible from various points of earth is used for guardianship as well most frequently. The big corporations, comprising the assortment of the subsidiaries, the companies with the international representations and use a file hosting

Dedicated hosting

Give hosting of the differential of the common (shared) hosting of committed hosting client The applications do not share the resources of the server with another enclosures to another consumers. The server used as well the full capacity of the provided line to internet besides. The entire hardware resource of the server on which it is located, the system adjustments are wholly being aligned and optimized according to his needs uses given enclosure in this manner,, and the user has full control on the server. Linux FreeBSD and windows are being installed most frequently. This type-hosting is intended for webs-sites and webs-applications, generating a great hardware load,, unattainably for a resource of common hosting. Normally give hosting commends itself, as decision for sites with over 15 000 day visits, the large online shops and the portals, mass As well.

A practical server

The practical server is concept that stands somewhere in its meaning halfway between 'shared' as well 'committed' hosting. With him one active server separates to several autonomous practical servers. In self each such practical server can be heard by as ' committing' alone, for the individual or-the system according to the motives of the customer that supports the applications only to the appointed customer is installed on it. The most most frequently used software is VMware, FreeVPS to 'virtual' to the server, User-mode Linux Virtuozzo and other. The setting in the server are chock streamlined for the work of the concrete application and the resources that it can use are away more from the delivered in shared hosting. It is recommended for a web the specific parameters to the or-the system call sites and applications, as as well generating great server load.